Advanced IDF Pilotless Aircraft Crashes

A very advanced IDF drone pilotless aircraft crashed in northern Israel on Sunday 5 Cheshvan 5772, the daily Yediot Achronot reports.

The report explains that this case did not involved “the simple drones that crash from time-to-time”, like the one a number of days ago which crashed near PA-occupied Shechem. That was a drone of the רוכב שמים (Sky Rider). Regarding the one which went down on Sunday, it did not actually crash since the craft is equipped with special airbags to prevent it from smashing on impact during an unexpected sudden landing.

The drone took off from Tel Nof Base, operated by the 210th squadron, a craft designed and built by Israel’s very own Israel Aircraft Industries, dubbed “Eitan”. The aircraft can carry cameras and other surveillance and detection apparatus and foreign sources add it has evasive capabilities, such as flying under incoming missiles. It is designed for long-distance flights or alternatively, it can be armed with offensive weaponry in place of the enlarged fuel tank.

Back in 2008 an Israeli-built drone crashed in Afghanistan. The “Searcher” at the time was viewed as among the most advanced drones in the world, capable of traveling 7 kilometers up and at a top speed of 140 KPH (84 MPH). It was equipped with high-tech optical lenses capable of transmitting day and night photos and is “extremely quiet”, assisting in remaining undetected. It also has the ability to take off and land automatically.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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