Pollack May be the Key to Achdus in Yahadut HaTorah

Many are looking at Rav Yehoshua Pollack to save the chareidi tzibur from disaster as a split in Degel HaTorah appears increasingly likely. Efforts are underway to place Pollack in the seventh slot. While he is affiliated with Degel, his appointment will most likely enjoy the approval of gedolei torah from both camps, Degel HaTorah and Agudas Yisrael. While he is not a chossid, he is affiliated with Agudah.

Pollack is known to be close to HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita, and some are hopeful his presence on the list may promote achdus.

Pollack served as a MK in the 17th Knesset, following the petira of Avraham Ravitz z”l and his name appeared on the party list in the 18th Knesset but the list did not earn enough seats in Knesset for him to enter, since he was in the 11th place, an unrealistic slot at best.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. It’s about time that the parties involved recognize greatness. Rav Pollak IS the one and only person who can achieve Sholom between these parties!

  2. Perhaps we need to question the predicate that a split among the Degel Hatorah factions would as the article suggests, be a “disaster” for the Charedi tzibur. We heard the same arguments several years ago when there was a split among the Chareidi parties that resulted in the election of a Mayoral candidate in Yerushalayim who has emerged as perhaps the greatest mayor in the history of the city who has worked tirelessly on behalf of both the frum and secular population of the city. In the forthcoming national elections, we don’t need more gridlock by electing blocks of unprincipled Chareidi parties whose idea of governing is to “auction” themselves off to either side based on who will throw more money at their mosdos.

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