The Worsening Split in the Yated/HaPeles Communities

While Shas works to send its tzibur a message of achdus, at least trying to abate fears of a part split, the same cannot be said in the litvish community as the situation in Degel HaTorah appears to be worsening.

There are reports that during the past days, behind the scenes efforts were taking place towards bridging the gap between the Degel (Yated) and HaPeles factions, albeit without success. In fact, Degel officials deny such talks ever took place.

The Yerushalmi litvish tzibur has decided to leave options available for the upcoming elections and they filed their new party, נצח התורה with the election committee to permit running against Degel should they decide there is no way to run under a united ticket.

The new party, Netzach HaTorah, received the required permits from the Ministry of Justice on Wednesday, 1 Cheshvan 5773 and they hope to complete the registration process with the Ministry of the Interior Thursday. Menachem Carmel’s name does not appear on the roster, which makes sense since he remains a member of Degel at present. The rumors are that Carmel is funding the new party.

At present, it appears the Yerushalmi faction may actually break from Degel HaTorah ahead of the elections and run under the Netzach HaTorah slate, a move that would also impact Agudas Yisrael, Degel’s partner in the Yahadut HaTorah umbrella party.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Everyone knows that Rav Ovadia is number one, with no one even close to him, so Eli Yishi and Deri have to make up. But unfortunately in the Litvish world, there are those who believe they know better than Rav Steinemen and Rav Kanyefski.

    When will we ever get our act together and stop bickering between us? Can’t we set aside our agendas for the sake of the klal?

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