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Court Accepts Arab Petition Following Ulpana & Migron Precedents

The Jerusalem District Court during the night issued an order blocking the planned entry of Jews into the controversial building in Hebron called “Conflict House” by the media and the “Peace House” by Hebron residents.

The struggle has been in the courts for a number of years, and on September 13, 2012 the court put the matter to rest, accepting the documentation proving the legal acquisition of the property by the Tal Construction, the building on the entrance to Hebron if one comes from Kiryat Arba. The building was bought by the construction company from the Arab owner, whose identity is protected for fear of his life. Selling land to a Jew is a capital offense in the PA (Palestinian Authority).

Defense Minister Ehud Barak, not known as a close ally of the Hebron community, gave his green light for tenants to move in following the court’s decision.

Learning from the Migron and Beit El Ulpana examples, Arabs filed petitions to block the move and the court agreed to issue a temporary injunction, prohibiting the Jewish tenants from moving in as planned. The case is now back in the court.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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