Peri Joins Yair Lapid’s Team

Yaakov Peri, who serves as the director of Mizrahi-Tefahot, a former head of the ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) and former president of Cellcom has announced he is joining Yair Lapid’s Yesh Atid Party. Peri made the official announcement at a press conference on Tuesday 30 Tishrei 5773.

“I have had numerous offers to join political parties but this time I found a party with an excellent captain” he told the media. Peri explained that he feels Lapid’s agenda is not personal, but he sees the big picture and his goal is to bring a change towards overhauling the Israeli political scene, “not just another party with more of the same.”

“For over 30 years I served the nation in the security field, and now for two decades in the business sector and I have come to the same conclusion as many others, that something simply is not right here. It’s more than the need to change the form of government – but it’s about life here…We must do everything possible to make certain that Iran does not obtain nuclear capabilities but we are not at the junction where we must decide between one bomb or another.” Peri explained that Israel must trust in the United States.

Lapid told reporters that he is pleased to have Peri on board, praising his years in the Shin Bet and his honored service to the nation as well as his corporate experience, all coming together to enable him to work towards bringing a change to the nation.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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