Escort Vehicle Of Satmar Rebbe of Kiryas Yoel Involved In Serious Crash

The following is via the Teaneck Patch:

A two-vehicle crash on Route 4 westbound near the Teaneck-Englewood border sent eight people to area hospitals late Sunday, authorities said.

None of the injuries were believed to be life-threatening, according to police. New York City’s Hatzolah volunteer emergency medical service responded to the crash and reported on Twitter that the injured were in stable condition. At least one person was pinned in the wreck.

A black sports utility vehicle outfitted with emergency lights and a white van were involved in the crash, however, additional details were not immediately available. The Hatzolah ambulance service said the accident involved an escort for a religious official, identified as the Satmar Rebbe of Kiryas Joel.

Bergen County police reopened the roadway at around 1:15 a.m.

14 Responses

  1. This sounds like a similar situation to what occured in Crown Heights in 1989 with the rebbes escort vehicle getting into an accident.

  2. I know of other members of society that travel with an entourage made up of black SUVs. Keep making noise and drawing attention, it always fares well.

  3. These “security” escorts have nothing to do with security or with talmidim wanting to be “close to big tzadik” or anything legitimate. Its simply big egos and a bunch of guys who get off on riding around in big black SUVs with red lights and sirens and each rebbe’s gabboim trying to outdo the other rebbe. I was at JFK a few weeks ago on Sunday night when two “big” rebbes and their cohorts arrived and attempted to push their way to the front of the check in lines almost at the same time. Fortunately, the Port Authority police were not impressed and ordered them to the back of the line and totally humiliated their so-called “security escorts” by dragging them to the side of the terminal to be “frisked” and to cool down. It made everyone on line smile a bit.

  4. #9, Gadolbe’einav once again shows himself to be a complete apikores, this time by showing his lack of kovod hatorah. Talmidei Chachomim are VIPs, more important than politicians and sportsmen and actors, and must be treated accordingly.

  5. #10, No rav or talmid chacham needs to drive around in a motorcade with giant SUVs and flashing red lights (nor do most politicans for that matter). The same for rabbonim who arrive for their flights and try to push ahead of everyone else, including families with young children or elderly travelers waiting paitently on line for an hour or longer to check in and clear security. These are ego-driven moderneshe affectations. Did the avos travel around with chariot escorts? Did the bid rabbonim in the alte heim travel from Minsk to Pinsk with a bunch of cossak escorts on horseback travelling alongside? The apikorsus and chillul hashem is really among those who engage in such meshugaas. The real gadolei torah are humble and modest men who don’t seek such publicity or demand such attention and fawning from their followers.

  6. We are discussing rebbes here, so what exactly are you saying? Who’s the apikores???? Why don’t u think before you call someone an apikores.That is not a term to be thrown around lightly!

  7. #10. Not to the Port Authority police or the other non jewish passengers waiting online to check in at JFK. Especially, IF this is true “attempted to push their way to the front of the check in lines”.

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