The Grand Shas Photo-op – Yishai & Deri Shake Hands

It has been about 13 years since Shas leader Eli Yishai and his predecessor Aryeh Deri shook hands, and party officials were not about to let such an event pass as the two meet in Har Nof today, a meeting that was compelled by the upcoming general elections.

The handshake occurred during the bris of a great grandchild of Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita. Rav Ovadia was sandek and the child was named in his honor.

It is clear that if Shas is to have a chance in the upcoming election, set for 11 Shevat 5773 (January 22, 2013), the party will have to placate Deri for if the latter opts to run on his own slate or team up with others, the results for Shas will be disastrous according to the polls, which signal Deri on his own can earn a minimum of ten seats, many of which will be at the expense of Shas’ representation in the next Knesset.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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