Rav Amnon Yitzchak Says He Has ‘Heter’ To Have iPhone

In an apparent response to photos appearing on the internet of Rav Amnon Yitzchak with an iPhone, the rav’s Shofar website is carrying an explanation to what appears to be the rav’s decision to ignore a decision by gedolei yisrael shlita regarding the use of smartphones.

The Shofar site, which is Rav Yitzchak’s official website, states clearly that the rav is against iPhones and other smartphones included in the ruling by the gedolim.

“Regarding what the fools are questioning, Rav Amnon Yitzchak and the iPhone;HaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita has personally given the rav a heter in this matter in response to a question brought to the rav by HaRav HaGaon Yehuda Lebowitz Shlita towards the rav’s ongoing work to bring people back to tshuva.” The notice adds “וכל המהרהר אחרי רבו, כמהרהר אחרי שכינה”.

Of late, gedolei yisrael shlita have come out in no uncertain terms against smart phones, including HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita, and the Vishnitzer Rebbe Shlita.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Heterim are asked and given particularly in USA where there are strong filters, closing of internet access and problematic sites.
    Technology is gd-sent, and needs to be educated for use.

  2. I to am very uncomfortable with these types of news stories. Persons who question a klal person have a venue thru private means. Let’s not train a generation to openly critique one another especially somone of the Rav stature.

  3. @The commish – Rav Amnon Yitzchak publicized this story himself. In fact must people didn’t know he had an iphone until he wrote about it. I am not going to say he is wrong. He is old and smart enough to make his own decisions.

  4. The implication of this article seems to be that there’s something underhanded or unethical about having a heter for otherwise-prohibited behaviour. None of us thinks twice about asking a rov for a heter to use birth control, or to eat on a fast day, if we have a genuine need for it. We wouldn’t think of doing such things without a heter, but we accept without question that there are many who do get such heterim, for good reasons. No less a godol than Nechemiah ben Chachaliah — surely one of the greatest gedolim of all time — was called Hatirshoso because the Sanhedrin gave him a heter to drink goyishe wine! So why should it raise any eyebrows if someone who believes that iPhones are ossur, and yet who has a genuine need for one, should ask his rov for a heter, and receive it?

  5. In this dor, even though we know Gdolim are human, we very badly need to see Gedolim as having the wisdom and foresight to not give anyone reason to question or laugh. Otherwise it plants seeds of questions in the minds of innocents or confirms the answers to questions already there, unfortunately very publicly.

    Of course this story will die down, but in the meantime the OTD folks and websites are cracking up. Not good. Why give them food for fodder? Aizehu Chacham Haroeh es Hanolad.

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