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Des Moines Baby A Numerologist’s Delight

A dream alignment for numerologists has come true in the delivery room of a Des Moines hospital.

The Des Moines Register reports that Laila Fitzgerald weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces when she was born. She came into the world on Thursday, which, numerically speaking, was 10/11/12. She arrived, militarily speaking, at 1314, which would be 1:14 p.m. for civilians.

So the numbers associated with her birth are 8-9-10-11-12-13-14.

Laila’s mother, 26-year-old Katie Deremiah, of Des Moines, says she had a feeling Thursday would be the day, even though the due date was Oct. 19.

Laila’s father, 26-year-old Ryan Fitzgerald, told The Register that he would buy a lottery ticket as soon as he left the hospital.


4 Responses

  1. 1. This is news?

    2. This has something to do with us?

    3. Do you know that goyish numerology raises shailohs
    of being avodah zarah?

  2. Thank you YWN for this rubbish, as #1 points out the importance of reporting avodah zorah to us must be immensely on your minds.

    Let’s see some Jewish reporting.

  3. Totally irrelevant. As Akuperma says.

    “at 1314, which would be 1:14 p.m. for civilians.”

    “at 1314, which would be 1:14 p.m. for civilians and the rest of the world outside of the US.”

  4. 1. Nah, it’s not avoda zara. When taken seriously it’s just narishkeit, but when taken as a springboard for the imagination it’s used in Torah. What do you think gematria is?

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