33 Injured In Huge Blast At Upstate NY Cosmetics Factory


Two explosions rocked a cosmetics factory in New York’s Orange County Monday morning, spewing thick plumes of black smoke from the roof and from what appeared to be blasted-out sides of the building, according to witness reports and footage posted to social media.

Initial emergency correspondence indicated the apparent blast happened around 10:30 a.m. at a Verla International plant located at 463 Temple Hill Road in New Windsor.

The three-alarm fire is bringing out fire departments and EMS personnel from across Orange County.

The fire has been declared a mass casualty incident with as many as 75 people being treated.

Three choppers were dispatched to airlift victims, with reports of 33 people injured, including five firefighters.

There was no word yet on a cause.

The company manufactures private label nail polish and other cosmetics.

Officials say the factory employs more than 100 people.

The factory is located about a half mile from the town hall and police station in New Windsor, 55 miles north of New York City.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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