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Pick Up Locations for Free Schach in Eretz Yisrael

In an effort to prevent people from damaging forests around the country, many trees are pruned ahead of Sukkos to provide a quantity of free legal schach for those who can reach pick-up destinations to help themselves. The following locations are reported by Srugim.

Jewish National Fund schach is available in the Ben-Shemen Forest (Dan parking lot) near Maccabim Caves Junction off of Highway 443 near Shilat on Thursday, 11 Tishrei from  12:00-14:00.

Elad Forest: Near the Nachshonim Beis Hachaim (northern Elad). 10:00-12:00

Many local municipalities announced pick up times and locations of date palms as well.

Tel Aviv: 10:00-14:00 and 16:00-18:00 as long as supplies last.
Wolfson Park, Ramat HaTayasim, Davidoff Park,  (Ad Kotz Street corner Jerusalem Blvd), Corshet Reading (Reading Street in Ramat Aviv), and at the end of Even Gvirol Street.

Ramat Gan: Residents may pick up schach from today until erev yomtov at Misradim parking area from 07:30-13:30.

Ra’anana: There are a number of locations. One must check with city officials.

Gan Yavne: Oppose Zamir Square on Derech Yerushalayim. (Check with city officials for times)

Bat Yam: 24 Anne Frank Street and the intersection of Chalutzim and Gvizon Streets. Check with city for times.

Kfar Saba: Kaplan neighborhood near Betar field at 10:30 and at the city parking area at 14:30. On erev shabbos, distribution will be in the parking lot of the Herzog School at 10:30 and at the Torah & Science School at 14:30.

Nahariya: City stadium at 13:00

Akko: City Hall Plaza as well as along Chativat Golani Street and Ben Ami corner Remez Street. 08:00-14:00.

Zichron Yaakov: City storage facility. One must show and ID card with valid city residence. 07:00-16:00

Kraiyot: call city Moked at 106 to inquire.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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