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Egyptian Leader Concerned with “Occupied Jerusalem”

While not specifically mentioning the Camp David peace treaty with Israel by name, in his address before the United Nations last week Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi reiterated his government’s commitment to all agreements signed by previous governments. Morsi added that he is the first democratically elected president of his country.

The Islamic Brotherhood-affiliated leader did dedicate a good portion of the beginning of his address to Islam and Mohammad, moving on to other issues, including “occupied Jerusalem” and the need to resolve the status of the capital of the State of Palestine.

“It is a shame that the world continues to ignore the rights of the Palestinians. All forms of occupation of the Arab nation must end. I promise that Egypt will support any Palestinian maneuver in the UN to obtain their legitimate right to a state.”

Morsi’s attacks against Israel came in other forms as well, including a call for a nuclear free Middle East “without exceptions”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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