House Members Push Obama to Prevent Ahmadinejad UN Speech on Yom Kippur

A bipartisan group of House members put forward a resolution that calls on the Obama administration to pressure the United Nations to prevent Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad from addressing the U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday, which is Yom Kippur.

“[A]n outspoken, anti-Semitic Iranian leader should not be given the opportunity to criticize a Jewish person’s right to freely practice religion or denounce Israel’s right to exist on the largest international stage,” reads the resolution, which was introduced by Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.) and is co-sponsored by a bipartisan group of 14 House members.

Yom Kippur is the holiest of Jewish holidays, and this year it runs from Tuesday evening until Wednesday evening. Ahmadinejad is scheduled to speak Wednesday at the U.N. General Assembly in New York, and several religious groups are expected to protest his remarks.

While the resolution calls on the U.S. to try to prevent the speech, its main intent is to condemn Ahmadinejad and Iran’s other leaders for addressing the U.N. on Yom Kippur. It says Iran’s president has threatened both the U.S. and Israel, called for Israel to be “wiped off the map” and denied the Holocaust.

It also says that under the U.N. charter, members must “refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, but Ahmadinejad has specifically failed to do so.”

“[I]t would not only be offensive, but insensitive for the United Nations to allow Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to address the General Assembly at all, let alone on the holiest of all Jewish holidays, Yom Kippur, after making such vicious statements towards world Jewry and the State of Israel,” it reads.

It seems unlikely that the resolution can pass, given that both the House and Senate are not expected to take up any votes between now and the November election.

Other co-sponsors of the resolution are Reps. Robert Aderholt (R-Ala.), Ted Deutch (D-Fla.), Alcee Hastings (D-Fla.), Leonard Lance (R-N.J.), Jeff Landry (R-La.), James Lankford (R-Okla.), Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.), Pat Meehan (R-Pa.), Gary Peters (D-Mich.), Bill Posey (R-Fla.), Linda Sanchez (D-Calif.), Brad Sherman (D-Calif.), Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) and Lynn Westmoreland (R-Ga.).

(Source: The Hill)

10 Responses

  1. If that clown is going to address the UN, I don’t see what difference it makes if it’s on Yom Kippur or not. A rabid antisemite with a unique view of history is right at home at the UN. I wonder if his Neturei Karta friends will be there for the address.

  2. These 14 members of Congress are a bunch of hyprocritical clowns. The date for Ahmadinejad’s speech to the fall meeting of the General Assembly has been known since early August yet they wait until Congress adjourns so that the issue cannot be brought up for a vote. If they feel so strongly about him speaking, why didn’t they act while Congress was in session??

  3. It is not mere coincedence that this Rasha may speak on Yom Kippur. Hashem is clearly giving us a sign and a opportunity to return to Him and do teshuva. Let us not waste this Yom Kippur. This Rasha is a Mad man who fears no one. Our lives are in danger so please Beseech Hashem for His mercy and help.

  4. What a waste – “it seems unlikely to pass.” Why bother?

    Hashem – this Wednesday, on Yom Kippur, it would be a very mazeldik time for an accident (like a gas main leak) to blow up the whole UN. Hopefully there won’t be any Jews there.

  5. Gemara Yoma 20A says that HaSaTaN is gematria 364 signifying that the Satan has power 364 days a year- to the exclusion of on Yom Kippur… Actually, now I’m curious to see what would come out of his mouth if he indeed had the opportunity to speak.

  6. Alcee Hastings?! The bribe-taking judge has the chutzpah to talk about offensiveness?! If he cared about offending people he would have taken his impeachment to heart and permanently resigned from public life. The very fact that he is in Congress is offensive to all decent people, far more offensive than any speech Ahmadinnerjacket could possibly give in the sewer that is the UN.

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