Israeli Arranging More Assistance for the PA

In response to the PA (Palestinian Authority) fiscal crisis, Israel has approved a number of measures to assist towards strengthening the PA economy. This includes approving tens of projects being funded by the international community to refurbish schools, medical clinics, as well as the infrastructure in PA autonomous areas in Yehuda, Shomron and Hamas-controlled Gaza. Israel will be permitting more PA laborers to enter into Israel to earn a livelihood to boost the PA economy and for a first time since 2007, furniture and textiles manufactured in Gaza will be permitted to be exported to Yehuda and Shomron. There is no mention of any stipulation pertaining to halting rocket attacks into southern Israel.

The official Israeli announcement will be made at the donor nations conference taking place in New York as Jerusalem fears the collapse of the PA economy would have a disastrous regional impact.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. If his business called the PA (many of whose officials and their families have benefited greatly in their businesses from occupation) gets more gelt, you can be sure he will postpone his “threat” to resign as head of the useless PA, and the Zionim will have to find someone else to run their enforcer police operation to keep things quiet in the West Bank.

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