Worldwide Tefillah for Moshiach on Sunday

THIS SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 23 2012, 7 Tishrei 5773, a simultaneous worldwide Jewish prayer for peace through the coming of Moshiach will take place.

Based on Israel Time 17:00, New York 11:00, Los Angeles 08:00, Paris 17:00, Sydney 01:00 Sept 24…

ALL JEWS AS ONE: This unique event in Jewish history has been impulsed by motivated Jewish people with help and blessings of rabbis around the world of all affiliations (Ashkenazim, Sephardim, Chassidim) with a strong desire that all Jews will be united at the same instant, observant or not, whatever beliefs, affiliation, age, nationality to end all suffering and to welcome the revelation of Hashem’s (G-d) Name.

Organizers report they have received a bracha from HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita.

Time is of essence. Please, pass it on now!

Link to YouTube:

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

22 Responses

  1. Please pulish the text of the tefilah – any words people use are also good but in case people want a copy of the version everyone’s saying it’s helpful to have it here too. Thanks!

  2. I can’t believe you are posting this. CHODOSH ASSUR MIN HATORAH!

    If the Ribono shel olam wanted simultanios teffila from us – he wouldn’t have given us a world where its day on one side and night on the other.

    This is nothing more than a frustrated messianic movement with GEDOLAY YISROEL backing – as wittnessed by the lack of signatures. And PLEASE don’t chime “what could be wrong with etc etc” We have a shulchan aruch to guide our every action and nuance – if “simulatainious prayer for “umalei ha’aretz deah es Hashem” ( let alone specific moshiach movements) were a laudable concept it would be found there….somewhere. As it is not it is CHODOSH!

  3. Surely can not hurt to say a tefillah urging hashem to send Mashiach. We ask for the same daily in Shemonei Esrai. Let’s go for it!!!

  4. Why are you promoting this Lubavitch Moshiach Now event?

    I don’t believe that Rav Chaim Kanievsky agrees with this.

    Did you see the video? You would not publish it.

  5. When the Eibishter sent us into Golus to live amongst people of other nationalities, He told us to be civil and have sincere kindness, to our new neighbors, and then we will be Zocheh to have the Geulah Shleimo.
    We must explain to our children, that the Memreh in the Gemoroh, regarding the Umos being our Avodim in Yemois Hamoshiach, does not mean what it sounds like.
    Chas Vesholam to be Mispallel for Moshiach while having in mind, that our Shochen will be an Eved.

  6. I’m sorry but something seems very fishy about the whole thing

    I haven’t heard anything about this before last night, a lot of people I spoke to never heard of it

    lastly, its has a link to youtube which i dont think r kanievsy would agree to and for sure not Moshiach

  7. to ploni almoni,

    Chill out. Would you rather stay in galus? That may be your wish but it ain’t for most of klal yisroel. Also, do we really need haskama from gedolei yisrol to ask Hashem for Moshiach? LOL.

    to Tzoorba,

    This international event was not organized by the Lubavitch movement.

  8. hopefully this tefilla will help, IF we all return to achdus in klal yisroel on all levels-from frum, frei chasiidish etc…- then Hashem can bring us Mashiach, cause the klal yisroel cannot stand as a nation without achdus. & its one of the major reasons why mashiach has not arrived yet.

    another reason mashiach is not here yet, is the sinas Chinam that is going on in klal yisroel today, if you knew how bad it is you wouldn’t believe it. the Sinas Chinam today is worse then the generation of the second bais Hamikdosh, that was destroyed for this reason. how can we expect it back, if can’t love every yid on his/her level & be mevatter sometimes for the same of shalom?

    in that zchus of making shalom & loving every yid, may mashiach come ASAP

  9. I received an email from one of the main organizers where he CLAIMS that when he went to R’ Chaim, R’ Chaim said, “Bracha v”hatzlacha.” Which, as anyone who has ever been there knows, is Rav Chaim’s generic response to virtually any Yid who walks in the door.

    Now please reread their press release. It does NOT say endorsed by Rav Chaim Kanievsky. It says it was blessed by R’ Chaim.

    It’s all in the nuance!

  10. My dear fellow commentators, I feel so truly sad for you.
    Who cares who organized it? Who cares that some might have different perspectives to it? Who cares that there was a link to youtube.
    Is that any reason for you to legitimately say you will not daven at that time?
    Do we not all want Moshiach? So how do we know that this chance isn’t one to seize? “Achake lo bechol yom” -wait and hope all day every day, so when we know many are praying why NOT use the chance to join in and be me’orer something big?! Does someone elses shita irk you so much that you will rather NOT daven for moshiach?
    I cry for you all….may the new year shine light upon our lost and darkened souls.

  11. He told us to be civil and have sincere kindness, to our new neighbors

    Where did He tell us any such thing?

    We must explain to our children, that the Memreh in the Gemoroh, regarding the Umos being our Avodim in Yemois Hamoshiach, does not mean what it sounds like.

    First of all it’s not a memreh in the gemoroh, it’s open pesukim. And it means exactly what it sounds like. Who told you otherwise. Chas vesholom to be kofer in the words of the nevi’im. You must do teshuvah for this, and correct your hashkofos.

  12. To Milhouse

    The Novie Yoineh, tells of what Nisei Nisim Hashem did, for the sole purpose of saving Ninveh, a Goyishe city. Read the last few Pesukim, and see how HKB”H cherished them.

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