Anti-US Violence Delays US Aid to Egypt

The United States is beginning to react, to enact a price for the widespread Islamic violence directed against America following the release of the anti-Islamic film.

The White House announced that “Egypt was not an ally” in response to the growing anti-American violence in Cairo, followed by a statement to clarify America’s position by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Now, as the violence continues, American officials are beginning to get tough and talks towards America forgiving a $1 billion Egyptian debt and transfer of promised funds are both on hold, sending a clear message to Cairo, that the ongoing anti-American sentiment and threats are not appreciated and will not be tolerated.

The Washington Post quotes “officials” on Capitol Hill anonymously, explaining that assistance to Egypt is being frozen as the situation is carefully monitored. The report adds the American move is only temporary, but it may lead to reevaluating American assistance to Egypt.

Cairo owes $3 billion to the United States in addition to receiving $1.5 billion in assistance annually.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. …and at the same time, today’s New York Post is carrying a story that the Obama Administration is considering a request by Egypt for the release of Sheik Abdul Rahman (The blind sheik behind the first World Trade Center bombing).

  2. #3, I heard about that! Can you just imagine the chutzpa of this minuval Obama. He’s ready to think about releasing this “blind sheik”, but he won’t even think about Pollard. He defies imagination!

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