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Um el-Fahm Mayor Critical of Israel’s Silence Over Islamic Film

As Islamic protestors in Arab countries attack American diplomatic facilities over the recent release of a film found objectionable by the international Islamic community, the mayor of the Israeli Arab municipality of Um el-Fahm is critical of Israeli leaders for remaining silent.

Um al-Fahm mayor Sheikh Khaled Hamden was commenting on an incident that occurred on Thursday night, the eve of 27 Elul 5772 in which a military vehicle travel in the Nachal I’ron area, near the Israeli Arab municipality, was targeted by Arab stone-throwers, apparently in an act of protest against the film which Muslims feel depicts Mohammad in a disparaging light. The teens responsible for the attack were apprehended by authorities. There were no injuries reported.

The mayor called for restraint, instructing residents of his community not to engage in law-breaking activities. He added that the silence by Israeli leaders, their failure to condemn the film, shows it is “beneficial” to Israel.

“The fact the government fails to respond signals a lack of appreciation [for Islam] and a desire to see us humiliated” the mayor concluded.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Really??? You need our condemnation , for a stupid youtube video???? That was directed by an Egyptian Arab. We can’t do right no matter what we do!!!
    Thank you Israeli Government for not even acknowledging why these animals are uprising. Hashem has his ways of making sure we don’t kill ourselves- maybe the timing of the Iranian attack isn’t right yet.

  2. Jews in general and Israel in particular should show more signs of “appreciation” for Islam? Right.
    Be real. If Israel condemned the film, you would complain that (1) Israel didn’t complain enough and (2) it shows that Israel is taking responsibility for the film.

  3. This whole u tube thing is just such a farce! They’re just looking for a chance to act like behaimos again. People should condemn muslims for acting so despicably. That’s what should be condemned!

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