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Islamic Hate is Just That, Hate

For those still uninitiated, those naïve enough to believe the hate for Israel by Hamas and other extremists is the result of Israel’s actions, the recent rioting and unrests from Muslims around the world should be an eye-opener.

While Muslims attack US Embassies in defense of Islam, they also use the opportunity to focus their hate at another arch enemy, Israel, as if Israel had a hand in the production of the movie that is used to justify the latest round of Islamic extremism against innocent people around the world.

As the world marked the anniversary of 9/11, an American diplomat in Benghazi became the latest victim of Islamic fanaticism.

Now, Hamas media in Gaza depicts a man painting from his bucket marked with a Magen David to tie Israel to the controversial film, unwilling to miss the opportunity to target America and Israel in the same collective hate campaign.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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