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Uman: Tikun Klali International

Tens of thousands of mispallalim in Uman will take part in the annual erev Rosh Hashanah “Tikun Klali”, which is broadcast around the world. The event began airing in Eretz Yisrael at 12:00 noon.

Tens of thousands of Jews from around the world are in Uman to daven at the tziyun of Rav Nachman of Breslov on Rosh Hashanah. The event, which years ago attracted only a few hundred mispallalim, has become an international Rosh Hashanah gathering which brings tens of thousands of Jews together for yomtov at the tziyun.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. There is absolutely no inyan to make this minhag. It did not happen in Uman until several years ago, and is never suggested in any authentic Breslov book. This idea has no basis in Breslov chassidus.

  2. Not so “Nicejew” : It did not happen in Uman untill several years ago because of the Communists…….but now with the fall of the Iron Curtain more and more Jews come to the Rebbe. I wish I can go, but have other duties however when I went 5 years ago it was great !!!!!!!!!!!

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