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Far Rockaway Orthodox Jewish Community to Unite for City Council Race

In the September 13th primary, Councilman James Sanders handily defeated embattled incumbent Senator Shirley Huntley opening the door for a special election that will likely feature an orthodox Jewish candidate.

Sanders is currently a NYC Councilman representing the neighborhoods of Southeast Queens including the large orthodox community in Far Rockaway, and will remain in that position until he assumes his new post in Albany on January 1st. Once vacated, the Mayor would likely call for a special election for sometime in March of 2013 and the field of candidates is expected to be crowded.

This would not be the first opportunity for Far Rockaway to make a splash on the political scene. It was only a year ago that voters turned out in droves to support Phil Goldfeder in his race for New York State assembly which he won by a wide margin. The Far Rockaway Jewish community now has another opportunity to demonstrate their influence on city politics and community by choosing a candidate for the seat. Community insiders believe that Pesach Osina, currently a staff member for Assemblyman Goldfeder will be that pick.

“Pesach is a great friend and has a long history in politics and community service,” said Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder (D- Far Rockaway). “He has worked in every neighborhood throughout Queens and would be an ideal candidate to represent the diverse needs of the 31st Council District while making a true Kiddush Hashem.”

Goldfeder, a rising star in NY politics, has mentioned to numerous sources that he would consider supporting an orthodox candidate in a special city council election if it was in the best interest of the community.

With the upcoming heavily contested primaries approaching in September of 2013, Far Rockaway’s ability to turn out a significant number of voters in a March 2013 special election, like was done for Goldfeder, will be a clear indication that they are a new Jewish force to be reckoned with.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. I am at a loss. The Democratic party is no friend of the Jews. Any thinking person can see that – it is not the same party that it was. It has been taken over by anti-semites who pander to our enemies. Didn’t presidents Carter, Clinton and Obama prove that? Carter is an open anti-semite, Clinton’s number one guest at the white house Lincoln bedroom was Arafat (while Netanyahu was sent to a hotel), and the democratic party of Obama has proven itself to also be antisemetic – he went to be interviewed for a TV show while Netanyahu was told that despite the urgency of the situation, Obama had no time for him. How does an orthodox Jew align himself with the Democratic party? I would not vote for Goldfeder simply because no matter how much he wishes to be judged as an individual, politics are politics, and no matter how far he goes up the ladder, he will be subdued by his party, which is what happened with Leiberman who, after being picked as VP changed all of his positions to align himself with the party.

  2. Why is it that all the “Frum” candidates in New York, are always Democrats? When Mr. Goldfeder starts throwing around the words “Kiddush Hashem” for these “Frum” people who are part of the Party that brought us “Gay Marriage” & Metzitza Bipeh hardships, I cringe! The Republican Party here in NY is almost as corrupt as the Dems, but at least (except for 6) they did buck the pressure & did take a stand against Toiava! The same applies for Felder, Silver, Greenfield, Lander, etc! Enough with this “Kiddush Hashem” nonsense! Hikind, to his credit, has an “OK” record. It would be better to have a righteous Gentile, than a “Frum” politician who has to come on to Chaniffa 24/7!

  3. Pace will be fine- he knows Obama from Chicago. I’m reading this article and having flashbacks to OFF THE SQUARE! Fischel would be proud.

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