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Muslim Mobs Attack Embassies In Tunisia and Sudan; Violence In Cairo, Lebanon

Several protests stemming at least in part from an anti-Islam film produced in the United States are unfolding outside U.S. embassies around the world. Friday’s protests follow ones Tuesday at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, where attacks killed the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans.

Egypt’s influential Muslim Brotherhood canceled nationwide protests planned for Friday, but said a demonstration planned for Cairo’s Tahrir Square will go ahead, and a running battle between police and protesters in Cairo continued into its fourth day Friday.

Video from Tunisia’s capital shows thick, black smoke rising from an area near the U.S. Embassy. It’s not clear what was on fire.

Protesters there had taken down a U.S. flag from the embassy property and replaced it with a black flag. Police fired tear gas at protesters as some of them climbed the property’s walls.

U.S. Marines are on the ground in Yemen to deal with the aftermath of an attack on the U.S. Embassy in the capital city of Sanaa, as the Obama administration warns of sustained protests outside diplomatic posts across the Middle East and North Africa.

Pentagon spokesman George Little told Fox News the team is in Yemen as a “precautionary measure.”

The move comes as Reuters reports that protesters have jumped over U.S. Embassy walls in both Sudan and Tunisia. Reuters reports that protesters also set fire to trees and broke windows inside the U.S. Embassy compound in Tunis.

That is just a snapshot of the violent unrest playing out Friday, in the widest protests yet across the Muslim world.

One protester was killed in the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli in clashes with security forces, after a crowd of protesters set fire to a KFC and an Arby’s restaurant. Protesters hurled stones and glass at police in a furious melee that left 25 people wounded, 18 of them police.

Security forces in Egypt and Yemen fired tear gas and clashed with protesters to keep them away from U.S. embassies. And Germany’s Foreign Minister says the country’s embassy in the Sudanese capital of Khartoum has been stormed by protesters and set partially on fire.

(Sources: CNN / FOX)

4 Responses

  1. According to clinton these savage attacks are being done by radicalminority fringe groups. I guess if if you do the math- there are 2 billion muslim arabs as per muslim brotherhood so if only a few million radicals riot over a movie that constitutes a fringe minority not representive of the whole rottent apple?

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