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Frum Askan Shlomo Mostofsky Wins Race for Civil Court Judge!

YWN can report that frum askan Shlomo Mostofsky won his hotly contested race for Civil Court judge. Mostofsky came in with 45% of the vote, Theresa Ciccotto won 38% of the vote and Charles Finkelstein finished last with a mere 18% of the vote.

Councilman David Greenfield, who was the main force behind Mostofsky’s ‘come from behind victory’, told YWN, “This is really a great victory for the community. We need outstanding judges and Shlomo Mostofsky will be an outstanding judge that we can all be proud of.”

Most impressively, initial returns show that Mostofsky won Boro Park and Midwood by an astounding 4 -1 margin despite Assemblyman Dov Hikind going all out for Mostofsky’s opponent. That’s another big victory for Councilman David Greenfield.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

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