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US Strike Against Iran Would Lead To All-Out War, Report Concludes

A U.S. strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities could have unintended consequences that would lead to all-out war, according to a new report endorsed by more than 30 national-security experts.

The report, which is being released Thursday, says that a U.S. airstrike on Iran’s nuclear facility would set back Iran’s program up to four years, but would not permanently disable it.

And if the United States attacked Iran, Tehran would likely respond with both direct and surrogate asymmetrical attacks, the report says, potentially escalating the conflict into an all-out regional war.

“Serious costs to U.S. interests would also be felt over the longer term, we believe, with problematic consequences for global and regional stability, including economic stability,” the report says. “A dynamic of escalation, action and counteraction could produce serious unintended consequences that would significantly increase all of these costs and lead, potentially, to all-out regional war.”


6 Responses

  1. Not if they strike them good and hard all over the country. Show them that noone will hesitate to put them back to the Stone Age if they don’t shape up.

  2. It would also unite the Muslim world. It would also result in a massive and immediate increase in the price of oil and goods that substitute for oil. It would also cause Iranians to rally around the current regime.

  3. A death blow to the leadership will teach an important lesson to all the rest of the arab radicals who recently took office that you don’t mess with america and there are red lines that we don’t tolerate. Our talkative president has down zero in 4 years but increase the arrogance of enemies by seeming meak. The muslim street has a feeding frenzy when they smell weakness

  4. AMERICA cannot afford it.

    if i was american president i would say israel go at it alone we cannot afford to protect your small state. our economy and our standing in the world cannot be thrown into upheavel.

    israel has to stop and decide for itself if it beileves in hashem or not and then do the best it needs to do and trust that it is making the choices it is exactly supposed to make.

  5. Our president has ended 2 wars tha were totally unncessary to begin with.
    Unfortunately, any air strike on Iran would have to be followed by a ground invasion to permanently eliminate the threat.
    At least this time we would be fighting for a purpose.

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