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Israel: What Will Prices Really Be?

The often reported price hikes in the Israeli marketplace have been occupying a prominent place in the news over recent weeks. With Rosh Hashanah approaching, many of these increases are now being felt, and prices are quite high to put it mildly. Consumer advocates decry the situation, questioning how the prices of fruits and vegetables can be so outrages, explaining in the summer “They cry the harsh sun destroyed the crops” and “in the winter, it’s the cold winter. Whatever the case, one can rest assured the prices will skyrocket ahead of yomtov” watchdog groups explain.

Let’s begin with tomatoes, reaching 12 NIS per kilo. Cucumbers are selling for 7 NIS/kg, pumpkin 10 NIS/kg, bell peppers for 14 NIS/kg, and sweet potatoes for 12-30 NIS/kg. These prices represent a 120-200% increase from a month ago, farmers’ representative Dovi Amitai explains.

Amitai warns that he has learned water officials plan to increase the price of water for agriculture, which will result in yet another price hike.

In the supermarkets, the parade was led by the giant Unilever, which announced a 3-15% across-the-board increase on all of its products. Notices received my supermarkets signal most items will increase 3-6%, but deodorant for example was marked with a 15% increase.

If tuna is your thing, stock up now. Wholesalers announced tuna prices are expected to increase 150% immediately after yomtov. Other price increases will impact the dairy industry, poultry, eggs, bread and just about anything and everything.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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