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IDF Working to Track Down AWOL Avreichim

The IDF has stepped up efforts to apprehend avreichim listed as AWOL from military service.

Askanim addressing the situation accuse the IDF of hounding the talmidim who have not reported to induction centers since the Tal Law was abolished, explaining the situation is very sensitive at present and that is why talmidim are not reporting as they did in the past.

The weekly HaShavua reports one avreich received an induction letter last week and he decided to visit HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Aurbach Shlita in Shaare Chessed, telling the rav “what can I do, I received this in the mail”.

The rav is quoted as saying “don’t sign anything when you go there, even if you are jailed as a result”.

As the rabbonim instruct talmidim and avreichim not to sign anything, even if imprisoned, there is a growing number of petitions being filed with the High Court of Justice seeking to compel Defense Minister Ehud Barak to induct 54,000 avreichim currently still avoiding military service despite the abolition of the Tal Law.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Where are our charedi political party leaders? Time to exercise some political clout and tell Bibi that either this nonsense stops immediately or his coalition is history.

  2. 1. Terrorists – not an existential threat to zionism (IDF can lick’em with one hand tied behind their back)

    2. Yidden learning Torah – definitely an existential threat to zionism (if they don’t work fast, they’ll wake up one day and find a Jewish majority in Eretz Yisrael, and the dream of a place where Jews can be free of the yoke of Torah will be shattered)

  3. So how we’re doming on the “reshet tchilat gulaynu” bit?
    Basically Israel and the people and the individual soldiers are wonderful, the gov’t stinks.

  4. It looks like the government decided not to rely on Hashem security so they will fight the Toras Hashem , and they are desperately looking for some support other than Hashem,to replace Hashem’s security, no country in the world wants to undertake Hashems position, not even their best freind the USA.
    By no choice they might have to turn back as long as Hashem will accept them.

  5. All this is essentially the work of one man, the Coward of Lebanon with the support of the Betrayer of Hevron. May the new year see us rid of both of them and all those like them.
    Aryeh Zelasko
    Beit Shemesh

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