BLOOMBERG BAN: Board Of Health Approves Sugary Drink Ban

The city Board of Health today has approved Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s plan to ban large sugary drinks.

The panel voted 8-0 with one abstention this morning in favor of the plan to prohibit restaurants, movie theaters and other establishments from selling sugar-filled drinks larger than 16 ounces.

The mayor and Health Commissioner Doctor Thomas Farley say the plan will cut down on obesity in the city.

Opponents say the ban will hurt businesses and that they plan to continue the fight in court.

The ban will take effect in March of next year.

(Source: NY1)

7 Responses

  1. “Bloomberg and the Board of Health are the new gestapo.”

    Look how far things can be skewed. Gestapo’s bad cuz they end life!

  2. Watch how movie theaters fight back by increasing the water to syrup ratio. The whole thing is a scam. Coke wants to use NY as a testing point to see if people will pay the same price for a smaller bottle. Notice when the 10 oz bottles came to market?

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