Hikind & Tischler Going ‘Head-To-Head’ Over Jacob Ostreicher

The following statements were released in the past 24 hours, and are posted in the order that they released:

Tischler Challenges Hikind To Retract Ad Lying About His Record:

Assembly candidate for the 48th district is calling on Assemblyman Dov Hikind to retract the ad that was published in the weekend papers, in which he was lying about his record, delivering for the community, when others did not.

“The fact that Dov takes the credit for the efforts in releasing Mr. Ostreicher as a mission accomplished, while he remains imprisoned in Bolivian jail without a trial for over a year, is appalling for the integrity of our community,” said Moshe Tischler. “Politicizing this healthfully issue and exploiting it, is only hurting the family and the well-being of Mr. Ostreicher, and is believed to have harmed the effort for his immediate release.”

“I call upon the Assemblyman to retract the lies about his record, and come clean on his record of deliverance to the community. This election is about the issues that matter to the people of the district and about the community needs, in which everyone has a fair share,” Tischler added.

Statement from Miriam Ungar-Ostreicher:

I was shocked last night to see that Moshe Tischler is using my husband’s situation and my family’s name to attempt to further his career and, worse, attack Assemblyman Dov Hikind.

My husband has been suffering in a Bolivian prison for 15 months. Since turning to Dov Hikind for his help, Dov has continually and consistently been there for my husband. He has introduced me to numerous elected officials and championed Jacob’s cause in every way imaginable, and he continues to do so to this very day.

It was unconscionable and dishonest of Moshe Tischler to act as if he is speaking for my family. He is not. I am speaking for my family and my family is grateful to have a friend like Dov Hikind who is genuine. The website that ran that disgusting statement from Moshe Tischler should immediately retract it; they aren’t helping me or my husband by attacking the one elected official in Brooklyn who continues to help us.

May my husband be released from prison immediately and may we all share a New Year of redemption and bruchas.

Miriam Ungar-Ostreicher

Tischler Slams Hikind In Latest Press Release:

“I was surprised to learn that my call to Assemblyman Dov Hikind to retract his ad, is being twisted and taken out of context. I understand this is a sensitive issue that has to be dealt with great care. Therefore I’m saddened to see Dov take a suffering women and family and use them for his advantage.”

“Here we go again. Instead of retracting his ad lying about delivering for the community, Dov has the daring chutzpah, playing politics in order to save his career. In his world, all measures are legitimate to intimidate critics and delegitimize a democratic challenge.”

“The statement released yesterday was clear in its wording that Dov Hikind is lying about his achievement in bringing Jacob Ostreicher home, while he has yet to have been released. Nobody questioned his dedication to act on this matter of Hatzules nefushes, which is greatly appreciated.”

“It’s beyond chutzpah for Dov Hikind to accuse me, or use family members, in spreading lies and misinformation. Everyone with a Jewish heart understands the urgency of the matter, and the disgusting conduct of politicizing an issue that should unite us, rather than divide us. The voters in the district need better.”


11 Responses

  1. I read the ad and it does not say what Mr. Tischler alleges it says. The false claim Mr. Tischler makes says more about him than his allegation says about Dov.

    Not at all surprised to see such twisting by Mr. Tischler. Not at all.

  2. Wow, that’s pretty twisted. Tischlers desire to make a splash has him pretty desperate. To bash dov for helping Ostriecher and then to bash his family for defending Dov?! Sorry Mr. Tishler your the one who turned this sad story into political bashing.

  3. Bad publicity is publicity.
    The strategy is: since Dov will win anyway, vote for Tischler to show that we are not to be taken for granted.

  4. Dunno. Yeah, Tischler is desperate for attention. However, Hikind was the first to politicize it by putting it into a political ad. As far as I am concerned, both of them are playing politics.

  5. It is quite amusing to me that the headline of the article is that Hikind and Tischler go “Head to Head”…. All I see in this article is Tischler going “Head to Head” with himself. Tischler, in short time has managed to stay consistent as an opponent by finding a topic to create headlines about. He attacks Hikind about a sensitive matter which he knows little about (a matter to which he has played no active role at all) to try and make his opponent look weak. In a very short time we have come to see who this young inexperienced candidate will turn out to be and it doesn’t look that promising. It gets even better… Tischler attacks Dov on the Ostreicher matter… And the rebuttal… Is from Ostreicher’s wife. Tischler then releases a statement (I think this is the Head to Head part) attacking…the statement…from Mrs Ostreicher!?! The letter written clearly states that it was sent by Mrs Tischler not by Dov Hikind! He then tries to pounce on his opponent in a “last breath effort” by accusing Hikind of “being out of context”… The letter was not written by Hikind but by Mrs Ostreicher herself. Who is the one trying to take advantage of this poor situation? Does anyone realize what is going on here? Tischler seems to be the one playing politics here and if anything is going “Head to Head” with the only opponent he has… Which is himself! Iy”h we should all daven this coming Rosh Hashonah not just for the sake of Mr Ostreicher but for all of klal yisroel and that we should all see the coming of mashiach immediately. The first step in this direction would be a commitment to working together and not looking to publicly put down those around us – politically or otherwise!

  6. This type of mudslinging, being motzi shem rah, is appalling so close to Rosh Hashana. Klal Yisrael has gezeiros ra’os hanging over our head and all these small minded clowns can think about is furthering their own causes. Sickening.

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