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New Mikva to Open in Betar Illit

A new mikva is scheduled to open in Betar Illit in the Tamar area of the city. The new mikva was built by Mosdos ‘תפארת צבי under the leadership of HaRav Dovid Karo Shlita with assistance from Betar Illit City Hall and a keren. The mikva is scheduled to open in Tishrei 5773.

The new mikva contains 3 mikvaos and 27 showers. The initial rainwater will be delivered in frozen form to permit using the mikvaos before rain season begins.

Rabbonim shlita, experts in mikvaos, have recently visited and conducted an inspection to ensure there is no compromise regarding the halachic requirements.

Once the mikva is operational, fundraising will begin to complete the shteibelach that will occupy the upper floor of the structure.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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