Sentencing for Defendants in Judaica Theft from Milano Shul

The investigation and trial into the theft of Judaica items from the Milano Great Synagogue about two years ago came to an end. The Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court on Sunday 22 Elul 5772 sentenced the four yeshiva students, the defendants in the case.

The four were taken into custody in February 2011, accused of stealing the Judaica items, smuggling them back to Israel and trying to sell them. The defendant viewed as the main player in the theft has already spent six months behind bars. Following his release he decided to turn around his life and he got a job in a bakery and most of his salary is used to pay his debt. The defendant was sentenced was sentenced four years imprisonment, permitting the time served to be removed from his sentence. He is ordered to pay 47,777 NIS to the plaintiff, Chaim Stefansky, who tried selling the items which were found to be stolen.

The second defendant was sentenced to three years imprisonment, once again removing time served. He too must pay 47,777 NIS. The third defendant was sentenced to 18 months imprisonment, clearing away time served, and payment of 27,444 NIS and the fourth defendant was sentenced to 9 months imprisonment and ordered to pay 17,777 NIS.

The compensatory payments must be made within 45 days. The four have 45 days in which to file an appeal if they wish to do so.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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