PM Netanyahu Wants US to Set a ‘Red Line’ to Halt Iran

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is trying to persuade US President Barak Obama to set a red line into place regarding Iran but the latter appears uninterested in such a move.

The latest effort by Israel to push the White House’s timetable forward appears to have joined the growing list of failures as the American leader remains committed to intelligence reports, which paint a less threatening scenario then the situation being addressed by Israeli leaders. In short, America does not view the ongoing uranium enrichment in nuclear facilities in Iran as an imminent existential threat to Israel while in Jerusalem; the prime minister feels the window of opportunity to prevent a nuclear Iran is closing rapidly.

In an interview with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), Mr. Netanyahu said “will not stop unless it sees clear determination by the democratic countries of the world and a clear red line.

“I don’t think that they see a clear red line, and I think the sooner we establish one, the greater the chances that we won’t need other types of action.”

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Sunday 22 Elul 5772 left no room for doubt, announcing the administration is “not setting deadlines” for Iran. The Americans are publically still support sanctions against Iran towards resolving the situation but Israel has realized some time ago that the sanctions are not stiff enough to bring Iran to her knees.

Speaking to Bloomberg Radio, Clinton said Israel is “more anxious about a quick response because they feel that they’re right in the bull’s-eye, so to speak, but we’re convinced that we have more time to focus on these sanctions, to do everything we can to bring Iran to a good-faith negotiation.”

Mr. Netanyahu had words of praise for Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper for deciding to sever diplomatic relations with Iran. YWN-ISRAEL reported earlier that the prime minister praised Mr. Harper for his decision to oust the Iranians from his country.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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