27,000 Talmidim Begin School Year in Modi’in Illit

With the opening of the new school year in Modi’in Illit, 2,300 children entered first grade. 2,600 three-year-olds entered kindergartens. According to a HaMevaser report quoting City Hall officials, there are a total of 27,000 students in the chareidi city’s educational system.

Some other interesting figures include the addition of 125 new classrooms [including special education facilities], 100 of which located in permanent structures as opposed to caravans and other temporary settings. A Beis Yaakov was built in the city’s Naot HaPisga neighborhood. Chinuch Atzmai officials are expected to announce plans to open the new building.

Mayor Rav Yaakov Gutterman is quoted as saying “In the merit of the Torah learning and lifestyle in the city, we have succeeded in establishing such fine Torah mosdos.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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