Canada Closes Embassy In Iran, Expels Iranian Diplomats

Canada has suspended diplomatic relations with Iran and is expelling Iranian diplomats from Canada, Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird announced in a statement today.

Speaking to reporters in Russia, where he’s attending the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-Operation summit, Baird said the government is formally listing Iran today as a state sponsor of terrorism under the Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act. That will theoretically allow Canadians affected by terrorism supported by the Iranian regime to sue.

“Iran is among the world’s worst violators of human rights. It shelters and materially supports terrorist groups,” Baird said.


6 Responses

  1. All of us in Canada should be proud of our Prime Minister
    Stephen Harper.

    May the creator give him good health , ongoing good judgment to continue to show by his example how to be a Moral leader in these difficult times.

  2. Another feather in the cap of Prime Minister Harper. He is a true leader and basis his decisions on what is morally right rather than political expediency. What a rare breath of fresh air in this world. He deserves our support and thanks.

  3. Canada’s Stephen Harper deserved our tefillos and support. He is THE foremost oheiv yisroel political leader in the western world today. Obama can learn a lesson or two Stephen Harper.May he be in good health and in power for many years to come.

  4. Jews tended to vote Liberal because the Liberal members of Parliament in districts with large Jewish representation were very helpful with Jewish needs and concerns. This is still true today. However, because of the Honourable Stephen Harper’s stance on Israel and pro-Jewish attitude, many Jews switched their allegiance towards the Conservative Party.
    PM Harper is certainly NOT the Winston Churchill of our time. Such a comparison is disgraceful. Winston Churchill was an anti-semite, because of whose policies Israel’s doors were shut tightly during WWII. When Churchill was asked to have the RAF bomb the train tunnels and bridges leading to the camps in Europe and thus save over 2 million people, he replied, “And where are we going to put 2 million Jews instead?”

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