Felder: $25 Million Hate Crime Protection Grant

Senator Simcha Felder (D-Midwood) is urging local community nonpublic schools, day care centers, and other cultural facilities to apply for the state’s $25 million Securing Communities Against Hate Crimes Grant program (SCAHC Program). The reason for the grant is to boost safety and security measures aimed to prevent hate crimes and attacks on facilities at risk because of their ideology, beliefs, or mission.

“The battle against hatred never ends and I applaud New York State for working to protect communities against individuals or groups that are determined to do us harm,” said Sen. Felder. “It’s unspeakable that schools, day care centers, or other facilities used for communal gatherings risk being targeted by violent extremists. I encourage all nonpublic schools, daycare programs, and community centers in my district to apply for this valuable grant.”

The State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (DHSES) will administer the grants, which will range up to $50,000. Grants awarded to eligible facilities can be used for security training, camera-based security systems, perimeter lighting, fencing or barriers, door hardening, improved lighting, and other necessary security equipment.

“Every American has the right to live with freedom and without fear,” said Sen. Felder. “As long as New York City remains one of this nation’s most frequent targets for hatred, New Yorkers must remain vigilant and well equipped to protect our communities.”

According to DHSES, organizations that operate more than one facility may submit up to three applications for a total request of up to $150,000. For more information about the SCAHC program grant, visit www.dhses.ny.gov/grants/nonprofit/hate-crimes.cfm. Applications for these awards can be found at www.dhses.ny.gov/grants and are due no later than 4:00 pm on Monday, Dec. 18, 2017.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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