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Tefilos for Tishbin Rosh Yeshiva

The condition of one of the prominent roshei yeshiva in the Tishbin Chassidus, HaGaon HaRav Avrohom ben Gita Ganchovsky (גנחובסקי) is reported as extremely serious and the rav is in need of Am Yisrael’s tefilos.

An atzeres Tefillah is planned for Thursday evening 19 Elul 5772 in the chassidus’ main beis medrash, Khal Chassidim in the Gefen neighborhood of Betar Illit. The atzeres is scheduled to begin at 22:45. The beis medrash is located at 12 Pachad Yitzchok Street.

The rav has been admitted to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Yerushalayim over the past week, as his condition took a sharp turn for the worse.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Rav Ganchovsky’s friend Rav Shlomo Brevda Shlita is also in need of much Tefolis. The name for davening is Shlomo Leib Ben Miryam.

    Hashem please have mercy and accepted out Tefilos.

  2. Just to clear this up. Tchebin is a yeshiva, ‘Kochav M’Yaakov’, not a chassidus. It was started after WW2 by the Tchebiner Rov. It is led by a Rosh Yeshiva, not a Rebbe.

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