MK Eldad: Jewish ‘Terrorists’ Should Rot in Prison

MK (Ichud HaLeumi) Prof. Aryeh Eldad commented on the so-called “Jewish terrorists”, Jews imprisoned in Israel for murdering Arabs.

Eldad spoke with the Knesset Channel, stating “We should not release Yonah Avrushmi, Ami Popper, or Yoram Skulnick. There is much contempt against those murderers in Israel. They say sit for 30 years and you have paid your debt. One who murders should rot in prison.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. I don’t understand what this is all about. However, we certainly let out filthy arabs who have killed Jews, so I guess we should certainly let out Jews who have killed arabs.

  2. Eldad is an honorable man. His hashkafa may be a little off track and I sure don’t agree with everything he says, but he is an intelligent, educated, sensible person.

    In this case I absolutely agree with him.

  3. Everyone who is on Peres good list gets parole. (I guess these are not on that good list)

    Some of these individuals killed in self-defense, they have paid their debt to society already.

  4. I guess Eldad cares more for Arabs than Jews.
    Is it too much to ask him to care about the Jews as much as about those who would murder his own kids?
    For every Arab freed, free a Jew.
    (Of course he would run out of Jews to free very fast.)

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