The supposed retzuos scandal has put the Torah world on edge, as various claims about the kashrus of retzuos have been bandied about during recent days. But several sofrim who have been involved with the question for months have denied the claim that there is any “scandal” involved.
Rabbi Shmiel Aharon Traube, the proprietor of Bais Hastam in Boro Park, who first discovered the problem, told Ami Magazine this week that the manufacturer was not intentionally misleading sofrim and consumers. “No one was trying to dupe anyone here.” Rabbi Traube, in describing the difficulties that sofrim have faced regarding retzuos, explained that he has had to accept heavy financial losses when manufacturers have delivered problematic merchandise due to natural imperfections and changes in the tanning industry.
Who has paskened on the questionable retzuos? The sofrim described a multitude of opinions on the matter. Rav Moshe Roth, son of the Karlsberger Rav, confirmed that his father issued a psak that the retzuos are kosher b’dieved, and that he has not retracted his opinion, despite claims in the media to the contrary.
(Submitted by: Ami News Desk, NYC)
3 Responses
Very unclear. Which retzuos are Kosher bidieved? If the Retzuos arent from cow hide or missing other basics then bidieved its also passul.
While the matter was blown out of proportion, the issue prematurely publicized, and premature hints made that there was a potential scandal and erliche sofrim wrongly attacked for supposedly covering up the matter, the fact is that the Edah Charedis with Harav Mordechai Friedlander as it’s spokesman, who are the lead poskim investigating the matter, did pasken that if in fact the paint on the retzuos peel off (started by lifting the edge with a blade) like tape that the retzuos would then be passul and if they don’t lift then they are just fine.
The one who published the first articles on this matter is apparently in Israel now to meet Rav Friedlander (Edah) among others to get the matter clarified.
“The sofrim described a multitude of opinions on the matter”
Well, let’s hear some of them.