PHOTOS: Kalman Yeger Receives Bracha From HaRav Aharon Schechter


Kalman Yeger, the Democratic and Conservative candidate for the 44th Council District, spent over an hour with the Rosh Yeshiva of Chaim Berlin, HaRav Aaron Shechter, at his residence in Flatbush this week. The Rosh Yeshiva discussed Kalman’s his lifelong public service on the Community Board and in government, including his work with Councilman Greenfield on passing the Yeshiva Security Law the provides free security guards for 50,000 yeshiva students.

The Rosh Yeshiva recognized Kalman’s ”communal experience for the klal” and gave him a brocho for hatzlacha in the upcoming race for the City Council. Specifically, the Rosh Yeshiva said about Kalman, “I am pleased that he is interested in continuing his work on behalf of the Klal.”

On Sunday, during a debate hosted by Hamodia in Borough Park, independent candidate Yoni Hikind repeatedly criticized Yeger for forcefully defending our yeshivas and their right to teach Torah studies without interference from outside groups who seek to harm our community.

Following Hikind’s numerous anti-yeshiva remarks, leaders of the yeshiva community have consolidated behind Kalman Yeger as their preferred choice to protect our yeshivas and Community values in the City Council. This issue has become a serious concern as 39 yeshivas are currently under investigation by the City of New York.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. Yet another article in favor of Mr Yeger while bashing Mr Hikind. This rag of a website is a classic example of biased media is all about. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  2. this is absoloutely not an endorsement. nowhere is there an endorsement written in that letter….its just being promoted(between the lines) as such…its actually kind of sickening how this whole thing is being played out by YWN and yeger…makes me think hikind is probably the beter candidate and i know nothing about him except that the yeger side and ywn is constantly promoting hate against him…..

  3. I don’t know who reb ahron schechter is or isn’t endorsing, I don’t know much about this race, I don’t even live in the district, but I can tell you, if you watch the 2 of these candidates talk you cannot come away thinking that hikind will be a good representative for the frum community. He comes across as vapid and empty. He doesn’t seem like he knows the issues and doesn’t seem prepared for this job at all. I wouldn’t want to have to rely on him to represent my family’s needs.

  4. Finally people are seeing that YWN is part of the #FAKENEWS media!! we always thought that this is a KOSHER and NON biased website!

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