Obama Takes Swipe At Bush During Gulf Trip

President Obama took a quick break from the campaign trail on Monday to be the consoler-in-chief, telling victims of Hurricane Isaac, which ravaged the Gulf Coast last week, that “nobody’s a Democrat or a Republican, we’re all just Americans looking out for one another.”

After meeting with officials from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) along with local officials, Obama — who will accept his party’s nomination in Charlotte, N.C., later this week — sent a clear message to the victims while seeking to contrast his efforts with the previous administration: “We’re here to help.”

In brief remarks on a flooded street in Louisiana, the president took a veiled swipe at his predecessor George W. Bush, whose administration has been accused of not responding quick enough to help victims of Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

In the past, Obama said, “We haven’t seen the kind of coordination that is necessary in response to these kinds of disasters.”


2 Responses

  1. If the Moron In Chief would put his brain in motion before putting his mouth in gear, he would know that by Katrina there were warnings about it being bad but both the governor and Mayor “New Orleans will always be a Chocolate city” Nagin – BOTH DEMOCRATS – weren’t interested in doing the right thing. They had so many busses to use but they dropped the ball and the busses drowned in the flooding. ITS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE STATE & LOCAL GOVT TO DO SOMETHING NOT THE FEDERAL GOVT!

    The reason they were more prepared this time was because of Gov Jindal who made sure things were done. Obama talked the the talk about how FEMA was on the ground a weel before the storm but Gov Jindal pointed out how the president was fibbing again.

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