Betar Illit: Tractor Terror Attack Suspected

The driver of a tractor in Betar Illit was arrested on Monday, 16 Elul 5772 after well-known contractor building inspector Nachman Langer phoned for assistance, shouting a tractor driver was trying to run him over. The suspected attack occurred on HaRav Shach Street in the chareidi city.

Langer was hospitalized, apparently in some form of shock from the ordeal.

A friend of the victim, Yisrael Zilberman, is quoted by Kikar Shabbat as saying “Nachman called me and in an exited tone shouted ‘there is a tractor here trying to run me over. Get MDA and the police and get over here fast!’”

Zilberman adds “When I arrived I saw him lying on the ground in a state of shock. He was transported to a hospital in a MDA ambulance. The driver of the tractor was arrested and is being questioned”.

Zilberman believes this was an attempted terror attack, nothing less.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Now who was the driver of the tractor, may we wonder???

    How many times have we been warned not to hire, work with or employ “those” people?

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