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Is White House Backing Down from Commitment to Israel’s Defense Concerns?

According to a Yediot Achronot report, the White House has sent messages to Iran via two European nations that for as long as Tehran refrains from attacking American bases in the Persian Gulf, the USA will not become involved in an Israeli military strike in Iran. The report states the White House’s indirect message was sent to Iran in the hope of persuading Tehran to stay clear of American bases and naval vessels in the region.

According to a New York Times report, US President Barak Obama is working to prevent Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu from launching an attack against Iran and he is taking measures to make such a move more difficult.

On the other side, Israel continues to push the American to release a statement telling Iran that if it crosses a red line, America will act, but the White House seem uninterested in such an ultimatum at present, with elections on the horizon. This may be one of the reasons Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu announced he plans to attend the UN General Assembly, to meet with the US president and elicit such a US commitment at the international forum.

White House spokesman Jay Carney said Monday that “There is absolutely no daylight between the United States and Israel when it comes to preventing Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.”

In Israel, the military continues training exercises and the Homefront Command is preparing for unprecedented scenarios, many surrounding the existential threat from Iran.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. What comittment to Israel’s defense concerns?

    The US rarely provides any weapons to Israel unless the Israelis could produce them themselves – meaning the US “aid” is actually “dumping” to provide jobs for Americans, rather than for Israeli workers. Something that Israel lacks, such as advanced weaponry (think of the F-22 which Israel would need for attacking Iran), is rarely if ever offered – until it is clear the Israelis don’t need it.

    The US is closely allied with many Muslim states, which precludes the US ever giving significant support to Israel.

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