Op-Ed: People In Flatbush & Boro Park Should Be Voting For A Councilman That Can Relate To Our Issues

It seems there is a big divide.

The Boro Park community is literally on wheels the past few weeks over the upcoming election to fill the seat of Councilman David Greenfield.

Hundreds of posters in the names of Mosdos calling on people to vote for one candidate or the other are plastered on the walls. Other posters calling the first ones ‘fake news’ follow, and a third one follows calling the second one even more fake.

Meanwhile in Midwood / Flatbush, there is silence. Not much talk of an election going on. It seems people have already made up their minds who they are voting for, and don’t drink the “Mosdos cool-aid”.

Without getting into specifics, let’s place this into simple English for those that are confused and still haven’t made up their minds.

We are all struggling with raising our large families. We have mortgage payments, rent bills, utility bills, food costs and staggering tuition bills.

Please don’t take this as nasty in anyway, but there is simply no other way to break this down in simple English. This is about electing someone to properly represent our needs. So we need to ensure that the person being elected actually has those same needs to be able to relate to our needs.

So should we vote for a single 40 year-old who has never had a real job, has no rent to pay, mortgage bills, utility or food bills to pay (lives with his parents), has no children (never paid a tuition bill), or should we vote for a candidate that actually has a family, is a lawyer, and has spent his entire adult life in government? He has been on Community Board 14 for the past SEVENTEEN YEARS, was the Special Assistant to a Boro President for SIX YEARS, worked for a City Councilman for TWO YEARS and knows what he actually needs to fight for?

I wish only the best of luck to the single candidate who has literally no idea what our needs are, and wish him the very best in finding his Zivug immediately, and may he be Zoche to build a Bayis Ne’eman in Klal Yisroel! I will gladly reconsider voting for him as soon as he has a clue what our needs are.

Please everyone – make sure to vote Kalman Yeger on November 7 – who has the endorsements of the Republican and Conservative parties. There is simply no other choice.

Yaakov Borenstein – Flatbush

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

11 Responses

  1. “So [we] should[n’t].. vote for a single 40 year old who has never had a real job, has no rent to pay, mortgage bills, utility or food bills to pay (lives with his parents), has no children (never paid a tuition bill)”

    The chutzpah of that statement is mind-boggling

    Is not having a child a personal failing? Since when?
    Better question, since his opponent is a successful lawyer, is he struggling to pay his bills? Perhaps we should first look and only vote for an impoverished individual, lacking the basic necessities to feed his children because only he would understand our plight. Utter nonsense.

    What’s more, according to this idiotic argument, we should not seek leadership positions at the East Ramapo school board due to our lack of involvement in actual Public Schools. Is that fair?
    Can David Greenfield be impartial when deciding the fate of the Pfizer development near the Broadway Triangle, due to his inability to emphasize with Latino and African-American communities? Better yet, is his support for the project only due to his Jewish upbringing?
    The answer is obviously, no. You don’t have to be Jewish to understand Jewish issues, you don’t have to be black or Latino to understand their issues, and you don’t have to be a parent to understand what it means to pay tuition.
    Saying otherwise is undemocratic and stupidity.

    You should be ashamed of yourself, Yaakov.

    Although oped is trash, I will be voting for Yager come September 7th. The reason being that he would be the more effective councilman. Let’s face the facts. They’re 51 council members in New York City. That leaves each councilman with less than 2% of the vote.
    If we want our community to be represented correctly, we need a pulpit bully. We need someone who has the political know how to navigate New York City’s integrated political system, someone who has the knowledge to shake the right hands to get things done for our community. Otherwise our community will be neglected and our voice will not be heard.

  2. I could not agree more. It isn’t considered to be ‘negative’ when pointing out that a candidate who has no family of his own, never held a job and does not rent/own a home cannot understand the needs of a family in Boro Park or Flatbush.

    For the past couple of years, two siblings have tried running for public office. Nice, single boys who wanted to make a difference. They barely received any votes due to their marital status. Why is the single candidate now running to replace David Greenfield any different? Is it because he has blue blood and is entitles to win political office?

    We shouldn’t vote for a Clinton or Bush if they are not qualified or are out of touch (btw, George B. and Jeb were governors and Hillary was a senator and secretary of state), neither should anyone else who is unqualified receive our vote merely because of a surname.

  3. This article is respectful. No idea why people can’t face the truth. Why vote for someone that can’t relate to our issues?

    What’s a more polite way to say this then how the writer did it?

    There is none.

  4. Straight to the point. Was talking about this in Shul today with friends. What shaychis does this guy have to representing us?


  5. The campaign already responded lol I see on whatsapp some stupid image from their campaign demanding an apology. Really? Will they apologize for the filth they generated in the streets of BP the past 3 weeks? No shame.

  6. I have not met the not yet married candidate, but if his idea of the role of a member of a legislative body is anything like his father’s I can’t vote for him. His father is not respected by his fellow Assemblymembers and has never served on an Assembly committee. After all the years in Albany he should be chairman of a committee.
    I’m looking forward to the Hamodea debate to see how well the candidates understand the role of a City Councilmember and have a grasp of the real issues. No rebbe tells me how to vote.

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