Arson Suspected in Crown Heights Apt House Fire

(06:40 NYC TIME) Eight firefighters were hospitalized after battling a blaze in Brooklyn’s Crown Heights neighborhood during the night, with one listed in serious condition in New York Hospital’s Burn Unit. Firefighters are still on the scene as they try to put out “fire pockets” but it appears the blaze has been declared under control.

The fire broke heart in the heart of the Lubavitch community at Carol Street and Kingston Avenue at 02:30. ABC News reports that while many of the residents were able to get out of the building on their own, at least 12 had to be rescued and fire marshals are labeling the blaze as “suspicious” because it spread so quickly. Chabad websites report the building that was engulfed in flames was home to many frum families.

ABC adds the fire is believed to have started on the second floor, where construction is taking place.

Hatzolah was on hand along with other emergency medical teams as there were fears for the families in the four-story building. B’chasdei Hashem the families were evacuated without injuries.

According to a Chabad Online report, one chossid ran on fire escape stairs banging on windows to awaken tenants while shouting “Fire! Get Up! Get Out!” He is credited with saving many lives.

(YWN NYC News Desk)

2 Responses

  1. Everyone needs to be extremely grateful to the memebers of FDNY who are there for all residents 24/7 365. Please pray for the full and speedy recovery of any fireman or residents injured in this blaze.

  2. This building had a bad fire in one of the apartments a couple of months ago. Perhaps it was the same apartment that is being fixed up. I know people who live in this building, I hope everyone is OK.

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