Germany Selling Subs to Egypt?

The decision by Germany to sell submarines to Egypt is cause for concern among defense officials, with some calling the change in policy as signal for the worse between Israel/German relations.

Egypt’s new naval commander announced last week plans to purchase two German submarines.

The daily Yediot Achronot reports on Sunday 15 Elul 5772 that German officials have told government officials in Jerusalem that the deal signed between the German submarine builder and Egypt requires government approval and until such approval is given, the reports are meaningless. At present, German government officials are signaling they do not plan to approve the sale.

The Egyptian/Israeli Military Picture

Egypt – 947,500 standing army and reserve duty forces

Israel – 752,500 standing army and reserve duty forces


Egypt – 3,980

Israel – 3,230


Egypt – 884 aircraft (including 200 F-16s and 300 choppers)

Israel – 1,964 (including 430 F-15s and 16s)


Egypt – 4 submarines and 9 battleships

Israel – 3 submarines (reports indicate additional subs ordered from Germany) and 13 battleships

Information based on the CIA and Canadian intelligence report.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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