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Vaad HaYeshivos: Don’t Sign Papers in Induction Centers

As Defense Ministry officials prepare to mail 7,500 draft notices to chareidim in Eretz Yisrael, the Vaad Yeshivos is sending clear instructions to talmidim and avreichim alike, not to sign forms in any induction center. The latest letter was sent to the heads of mosdos, providing instructions for talmidim.

The letter explains that since the new zman, a new reality exists following the expiration of the Tal Law.

“Therefore, the instructions must be adhered towards avoiding problems chas v’sholom. Those talmidim who have already declared fulltime Torah study as their occupation will not be called. Regarding those called to appear as a result of the inspection of yeshivos on August 1, 2012, this has been canceled for now.”

“Those ordered to appear as a result of inspections and did not do so on August 1, 2012, these too have been canceled for now. If another order comes from them, then you should phone our officer [for instructions].”

“Talmidim who must travel abroad should turn to induction center authorities for permission to do so. Those appearing in an induction center, from age 16 and up, are not to sign any document.”

The letter ends that in the merit of limud Torah we remain confident the gezeira will be removed”.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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