VIDEOS: Musical Extravaganza Planned In Flatbush To Celebrate Ben Zion Shenker’s First Yahrzheit


Some of the greatest ba’alei minagnim and musicians of the Jewish world will gather together in a special event following the first yahrzeit of Ben Zion Shenker a”h in just a couple weeks. Among those expected to pay tribute to Reb Ben Zion and his music are Abish Brodt and his son Moshe, Chazzonim Shimmy Miller and Yaakov Motzen, and renowned musicians Andy Statman, Avrohom Spivak and Eli Cohen. The program will take place on November 12 at 6pm, at Veretzky Hall in Flatbush.

Ben Zion Shenker passed away on the 19th of Cheshvan last year at the age of 91. Widely considered the greatest modern-day composer of Jewish music, among his hundreds of compositions are those sung the world over. These include tunes such as Eishes Chayil, Mizmor L’Dovid, Hamavdil, Hatov, and Veliyerushalayim Ircha.

Besides contributing to Klal Yisrael his own music, he helped popularize the exalted niggunim of the Modzitzer rebbeim, especially those of Reb Shaul Yedidya Elazar Taub, the Imrei Shaul, a”h. Ben Zion served as the latter’s musical secretary until the rebbe passed away in 1948, and subsequently had close relationships with each of the succeeding three generations of rebbeim.

In addition to a dozen singers and musicians who knew and treasured him, some of Ben Zion’s own grandchildren will also help lead the audience in neginah. The event will include brief remarks of tribute, as well.

The program is being coordinated by Kahal Imrei Shaul D’Modzitz. It is free and open to the public, though reservations are required. To attend, please email your name and telephone number to [email protected] or 718-252-5256.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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