Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush vigorously defended the presidency of his brother, George W. Bush, to a full standing ovation at the Republican National Convention on Thursday.
Bush centered his speech on education reform, but went off his prepared remarks to lash out at President Obama for attributing the broken economy to failings of his older brother.
“Mr. President, it’s time to stop blaming your predecessor for your failed economic policies,” said Bush. “You were dealt a tough hand but your policies have not worked. In the forth year of your presidency a real leader would accept responsibility for his actions and you haven’t done it.”
The packed crowd of the Tampa Bay Times Forum went wild with applause. Bush then switched gears to put teachers unions on the chopping block as he made Mitt Romney’s case for reforming the U.S. education system.
6 Responses
Obama might blame George Bush for the financial problems, but the truth is with him. Bush’s one concern was to stop terrorists. He invaded Iraq for no sound reason and caused instability there; US can’t get out with out Islamic crazies taking over.
He spent billions on looking for WMD there and elsewhere while IGNORING the US economy. On this Obama is correct.
The problem is that Obama can’t seem to figure out what to do to correct it. Sure, Bush made the problem, but Obama was unable to do much to rectify it.
To comment 1:
if you would know the inside story oF WMD you would also know that bush was very much right. Their is satellite footage of trucks of chemical weapons going from Iraq to Syria on the eve of the American-iraqi war.
you might find out more about it if the weapons in Syria have potential of getting into the wrong hands…
The person who calls himself the current president of The United States has been blaming George Bush for every negative thing that has happened to The United States since George started campaigning for the Presidency, including the lack of toilet paper in the oval office bathroom.
There is absolutely no presidential fault for the miltary actions taken by the United States since 9/11. Mr. Obummer, you should place all of the blame where it really belongs, and that is with the terrorists and terorism as a whole.
I agree with Jeb. This first two years I could buy it but it
is in obama’s hands and he had a DEMOCRAT congress and senate the first two years and all they did was waste money
Given loans to companies that could not pay them and doing favors for people who get him elected. We need a new President and obama must must go. Obama gave 2 Billion to Brasil to drill off Brasilian shores and shut down our drilling off American Shore. he is closing down coal mines to make America weak and small. Instead of making us energy independent he is telling us stories about wind farms which down work in all conditions and some don’t work at all. Check England and you will see that. Electric car money was given to be build in Finland. Is that normal, is that American? obama was born in the USA but raise in a Place where they hate America
…..and my dog ate my homework!
It’s OK, Jeb, Obama blames everyone and everything for his own failures. If someone gave him my name, he’d blame me, too.