Peleg Protesters Heading to Yerushalayim [UPDATED 1:37PM IL]

UPDATED: 1:37PM IL: Peleg organizers are calling on supporters to head to Yerushalayim and converge on the Binyanei Ha’uma area as they plan to shut down areas of the capital in yet another day of protests.

Earlier report: The automated phone messages are going out and the message is that Peleg faction protesters from around Eretz Yisrael are to converge on Yerushalayim today, Monday, 3 Cheshvan, beginning at 2:00pm. The venue(s) to be announced.

Some of the pashkavilim seen today appear above and below.
Translations of the pashkavilim:
• One who reports to the military is like an informer
• We will all gladly fill the prisons
• There is no playing with the neshomos of Am Yisrael
• Addresses police brutality and reaffirms the commitment to fight – fire and water for our rabbonim shlita

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. May the Abishter hold each and every one of them accountable for each and every act of chillul Hashem that they perpetrate. Amen

  2. What am I missing here? The zman has started already and limmud haTorah is kneged kulam, so why are the boys being brought to Yerushalayim. Guys, the hols are over, you should be back in the beis hamedrash shteiging.

  3. Please can you remove the picture of the woman on the right side of the page? Why should she be featured here? Does she want her photo here?

  4. Time to escalate…if they break the law and seek to block the streets then water cannon, tear gas and mass arrests. The country is bordering on anarchy and no civilized nation can continue with this chaos on a daily basis. Its also time for the police to cut out the roots of this cancer on Klal Yisroel and that starts with whoever at the top (rabbonim, askanim or whomever they are) organize and promote these protests.

  5. To Yehuda…
    There is no “woman’s picture” on the right side of the YWN portion of the webpage (at least not on my screen) ….certain real estate on a website is sold to advertisers who insert ads based on YOUR viewing habits so that may be what you are seeing. Every few months someone complains about some “forbidden” stuff showing up on YWN without realizing that this “visual pritzus” is driven by their own browsing history, not the editorial decision of YWN.

  6. To all the posts above, I’d recommend you not add your personal kefirah and chillul hashem to the mix.

    PS: GH, excellent job showing your bad middos by throwing mean-spirited vicious comments (the capitalized “YOUR” and “forbidden” in quotes really indicates your mindset) at yehuda26.

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