‘Asra Kadisha Appears Politically Motivated – They are Clueless”

Rabbi Shalom Fried serves as an advisor on kevarim to Minister of Religious Services Yaakov Margi. Fried spent many years working with Asra Kadisha, and is regarded as being among the experts regarding kevarim in Eretz Yisrael. Fried spoke with Kol Chai Radio on Tuesday night, the eve of 11 Elul 5772 and shared his thoughts on the status of Asra Kadisha today.

Rabbi Fried explained that “for years, Asra Kadisha was run by Rav Shmidel and the organization did outstanding work, defending the kevarim against anyone and everyone. “Once upon a time they were committed to saving kevarim not just in Israel, but worldwide. A few years ago, things changed.

“I don’t know if they are trying to save kevarim today for it appears the motive is political. 1,300 avreichim families wish to live in Beit Shemesh and Asra Kadisha is blocking them, causing delays of over 8 months. As a result, these families are paying rent and simply don’t have the money because Asra Kadisha is looking for graves that don’t exist. We are in touch with the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) and they tell us of every kever, without exception. We have orders that if there is the slightest fear of a kever we are called and all work stops until we give the green light. Without Asra Kadisha things are good and today, they simply interfere and they seem to have a political agenda.

“I am not happy over their arrests but the problem is they are using “terror” as a means towards achieving their goals. I have received threats in the mail and they plaster Jerusalem and Bnei Brak with pashkavilim besmirching my name and my wife. One threat against me was sent to my wife to scare her.

Rav Dovid Shmidel was in charge, a major talmid chacham, and for reasons I don’t know he handed over the mantle of leadership to Kalmanowitz who is clueless. He simply doesn’t know what he is doing and they just cause delays and problems where there are none.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Shalom Fried is truly an expert in kevarim and the work he does with it. He was instrumental in discovering mass graves, cementeries and others in Europe in the past 2 decades. A man totaly and truly leshem Shomayim dedicated to his holy work. It shakes me to think that people would threaten him. He is a man that all Rabbonim who have worked with him would completely trust his word and work. I wish him much continued hatzlocha.
    Also, R’ Dovid Shmidl was instrumental in saving graves and even entire cementeries in europe over the years.

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