WATCH THIS: Angry Peleg Protester Berates Elderly Irreligious Israeli; Where Are Your Tzitis?!

9 Responses

  1. I don’t see this as anger per se. It could be frustration. It’s heartbreaking to go from the Beis medrash, surrounded in an avirah of growth, mussar and drive, to go to the street and see neshamos that do not recognize what an incredible gift we have.

    This confrontation has no context. I relate to both sides on their perspectives and sincerely daven that after this cools off we find time to get to know one another as people again. We have so much in common, so much we both share and care deeply about. We need to see the individuals, not just the movements.

  2. I would like to congratulate our Rabbonim by turning these brainwashed bochrim into zombies.

    Like seriously what the heck is going on over there? Why are Rabbonim here in America not saying this is wrong? Do they agree? We need to stop supporting this mindset here in America and in Israel. Otherwise if you are giving money to them you are supporting them, which means you get the credit in Shomayim for the Chillul Hashem, which then puts you in Gehinom in my opinion (of course you can disagree with me).

  3. this is the product of the system that encourages everyone to learn fulltime their whole life
    qualified or not qualified
    no job no nothing
    bored frustrated sickos
    either stay in bais medrash and learn or go to work and be kovei etim

  4. sadly the response from the gentleman was not recorded. He said “I believe I left them right next to where you left your middos and ability to perform basic v’ahavta l’reiacha Kamocha”

  5. Clearly what the elderly gentleman had said to the young man protesting to get him so upset at the beginning of the clip was skipped out.
    He is visibly upset that someone can be so detached from Judaism as we all are here…nevertheless he should never work in Kiruv!
    This is Israel where we live in the real world and emotions are raw

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