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Liberman: A Nuclear Iran is a Non-Starter

In a Friday, 6 Elul 5772 interview with Channel 2 News, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman explained that he favors an Israeli attack against Iran. This time, he did not hint but came right out and called for an attack.

He told channel Two’s “Ulpan Shishi” program that he spoke of attacking the Iranian nuclear facilities back in 2001, pointing out at that time, they were not located underground. Today, he explains, being in a high-level ministerial post with access to information, he is of the exact same opinion, that Israel must attack Iran.

“Israel cannot live with a nuclear Iran” he explained, adding “anyone who says we can live with a nuclear Iran like a nuclear Pakistan, a nuclear N. Korea or nuclear India simply does not understand what he is talking about. There is no way Israel can live with a nuclear Iran”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Without establishing moral equivalency, the leftist nations point out correctly that they have to live with a nuclear armed EY. Obviously, there is no comparison but that is the reality of global geopolitics.

  2. I agree that the world cannot live with a nuclear Iran but I don’t see or hear of any other countries in the world stepping up to the plate by assuring and telling Israel that they will support and back an Israeli attack.

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